viernes, 20 de marzo de 2009

The Prison Injustice

Movie name: The Shawshank Redemption
Director: Frank Darabont
In 1947, a young banker named Andy Dufresne is wrongly convicted of murdering his wife and her lover based on strong circumstantial evidence
and is sentenced to two consecutive life sentences at Shawshank State Penitentiary in Maine. At the prison, inmate Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding is rejected for parole after having served twenty years of his life sentence shortly before Andy's arrival. Andy gradually becomes acquainted with Red's circle of friends, and Red himself, who is known for cleverly smuggling in contraband. After a month of adjusting to his new life, Andy approaches Red and asks him to get a rock hammer, intending to pursue a hobby of rock collecting. Red gives the hammer, and later fills Andy's request for a poster of Rita Hayworth.
One day, while tarring the roof of Shawshank's license plate factory, Andy overhears the captain of the prison guards, Captain Hadley, bitterly complaining about the taxes he will have to pay on a forthcoming inheritance. Andy approaches Hadley with a solution that will allow him to keep the entire inheritance tax-free; though Hadley nearly throws Andy off the roof initially, Andy's willingness to set up the transaction for the cost of beer for the tarring crew wins Hadley's respect. Prior to this, Andy had frequently been beaten and sexually assaulted by a gang called "The Sisters", led by inmates Bogs and Rooster. After a particularly vicious beating at the hands of the Sisters lands Andy in the infirmary, Bogs returns to his cell from a week in solitary confinement
to find Captain Hadley there. Hadley inflicts a brutal nightstick beating on Bogs, which leaves him paralyzed. Bogs is sent away to a state hospital, and the message to the Sisters is clear; Andy is never bothered again. As other guards begin to come to him for financial help; Andy is given a makeshift office in the prison library to provide tax and financial services.
I think that the movie is very interesting, because this show us the reality in a jail. The Shawshank Redemption tell us about the serious social problems that have in Shawshank prison between this the prison guards and prisoners’ maltreatment, sexually assault, discrimination, authoritarian abuse, etc. Beside is very clear the injustice with Andy because he was finding guilty of a murder of his wife and his lover without have consistent evidence.
This movie helps me to open my eyes about the serious injustices that commit day after day whitout anything make something for solve this problems and finally I ask me ¿ Why ever pay righteous for guilties?

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